Daily Archives: January 17, 2006

I am sitting here so that I will not sit in my chair in front of the tube.

I am sitting here because if I sit there I will fall asleep. I am that tired. It’s all because I could not sleep last night – I tried, I really did, but I just could NOT get my mind to shut up long enough for my eyes to shut and stay that way.

So, I got up quietly, pulled the bedroom door closed and went to sit in my chair – where normally I can sit for two seconds and be out like a light. Not last night/this morning. Nosireebob! I sat there until about 1:30 this morning – did some reading – thought maybe that would quiet down the whatevers keeping me up. But even that didn’t help.

Finally gave in and went to lie down – only to be awakened the next minute (well, it felt like it) by the alarm. Up at 5:30 to ride the stationary bike – 12 miles this morning. Then, out the door for my day – which had its own ups and downs.

but I am sitting here instead of in there because toNIGHT I feel like I could sleep standing up. Not gonna try that, I’m not. Instead, I will stay here for a bit longer until it is a whole lot closer to a normal bedtime. Then I have a feeling I will be able to sleep a dreamless sleep.

at least I sure hope so.

hope you all do the same.
