Daily Archives: January 24, 2007

Awhile back a certain person who owns a purple porch challenged several people to relate six of their quirks.

I never answered the challenge, because, of course, I have no quirks – that you all don’t already know.

Or so I thought. Here are a couple:

1. I have a certain order in which I wash dishes and it bugs me when hubby moose doesn’t follow that order – but I won’t say anything to him, because – HEY! he’s doing the dishes, people. Glasses are washed FIRST – placed in drainer to drain (duh, moosie!), then placed onto the drainer’s pegs. Silverware – okay, it’s stainless –  is washed next and placed into the little cuppy thing on the drainer – knives pointed DOWN, all else pointed up – sharp knives are perched on the edge of the drainer. Plates are next – smaller to larger coming toward the sink. Bowls next, starting with smaller cereal bowls, ranging up to serving bowls. LASTLY comes the saucepans and frying pans.

It’s all very orderly – so that the greasy things are last and my glasses (plastic or otherwise) do NOT get grease on them. (noted: why, yes, I DO do my dishes by hand – don’t you?)

2. Quirk number 2 also has to do with washing the dishes. Again, I do NOT complain because the man is trying, folks. BUT . . . dishes have TWO sides and that means  BOTH sides are to be washed. Nothing grosses me out more than to be served dinner on a plate that feels grody on the back side.

Wait . . . what am I saying here? The man brought me my dinner (that I had set to cooking, mind you) to my computer station!

erm . . . never mind. If I want the dishes done in my quirky little way . . . i’ll do them myself.

