Daily Archives: April 8, 2008

Okay – got your attention, didn’t I?

My alternative title would be “Comfort Zone”.

Each weekday – most weeks – I join Ladybug at the high school pool. She does a REAL workout – she’s in training for her first triathalon – she works really hard and even does FLIP TURNS!

Yeah, me either! In fact, I don’t even put my face in the water – too worried about those brain eating amoebas, I am, I am.

What I DO is kick laps using a kick board. And, sometimes I run on in the water. I watched a young woman running through the pool (IN the water) one day and thought that it looked like a great workout. So, I started to add some running laps to my kick board laps from time to time.

Now she trains on land (she’s a soccer player) but I have continued to play at this new (for me) sport. AND, there are two men who are also doing several laps every morning. We have our own little groups you see.

But, back to the “comfort zone” and “granny panties” of the title of this entry.