Shelly wrote and asked me what fireweed might be. I have a love/hate relationship with the plant . . . it is a gorgeous color and I lurve beautiful things . . . so I love it. I dislike seeing summer leaving and winter a-coming, thus the hate part of the quotient.

How pretty is it, you ask?


It really IS getting closer to winter, though. On my trip to Anchorage last week I noticed that the fireweed had topped out in Cooper Landing – that is, the plants had fully budded out all the way to the top of the stalks. Some of it was even ready to pop! That is, the buds and flowers had all dropped off and the stalks were getting ready to open up and shoot off their white fluffy seeds.

AH . . AH . . . AHCHOO!

It’s such a pretty flower . . . too bad it’ll soon be covered in the white stuff.


one responses

  1. Darn that is a pretty plant! Too bad that it seems to be the harbinger of winter! Thanks for answering my question!

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