This is in response to Velvet Verbosity’s 100 Word Challenge. The prompt this week is FAMILY. Please be sure to check out the 100 words others have written.
She looked out her window and watched kids playing below.

“Twenty years I’ve been in this office. People have come and gone; yet I’m still here. Not sure why, but there you have it. And, it’s really not crazy for me to sit here talking to myself, either.”

The full OUT basket waited to be picked up by her assistant. Much had been accomplished on a very full day. Cases had been opened, others closed and lives had been changed.

One file lay open awaiting her signature. She picked up her pen and sighed. Terminating family rights is never easy.

8 responses

  1. Tara R. says:

    That has to be a gut-wrenching decision, but often the only one that is best for the child.

  2. karen says:

    I love how the last sentence clobbers me. It really does.

  3. Such a hard thing but sometimes so necessary. Stop in & read
    Friends and Family

  4. Very emotional…the last sentence really hits you right in the face.

  5. clew says:

    A sobering reminder of how something earth shattering, sometimes simply whispered with the stroke of a pen, is always going on somewhere.

    I always enjoy your writings, friend.

  6. Tessa K. says:

    Wow… that was sneaky. I like it!

  7. Sounds as if she is the start of a full blown character in a novel of her own.

  8. Eeesh – those decisions must be hard.

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