Daily Archives: October 29, 2011

“It only comes once a year. It’ll be fun.”

Marnie Grimm coaxed Henry into submission. She knew once he got into costume and she got him out the door he’d have a good time. Fright Night was a big deal in their little town. Even they could dress in costume to walk among other town folk.

Marnie was dressed as Little Red Riding Hood, holding a leash attached to a diamond studded collar around Henry’s throat. He wore an old-fashioned nightgown and cap over his furry head.

“Ooooh, Gramma. What big teeth you have!” Marnie crooned seductively into his ear.
Okay here is a FRIGHTFUL entry for this week’s 100 Word prompt HALLOWEEN.

Edited to add: I missed the REAL prompt – which is HALLOWEEN, so I will likely do another piece. As I’ve already submitted this piece, I will leave it up. Chalk it up to the cold I have. 🙂

This week’s prompt is Grief, Frailty, and Fright. The following is my take on that. I want to be like this couple – taking the end of life on with style and grace.
It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. After living together for 40 years, investing all in their children, they had established communication again. They touched, talked, loved.

Then the pronouncement: she had end stage cancer and he was going to lose her. They weren’t ready to hear that. Life, indeed, was too short.

They held onto each other tighter and decided to live the last days with joy. Family gathered ‘round for photos and shared laughter.

On her final day each received her blessing. She closed her eyes for the last time with a smile.
Several years ago I wrote a ghoulishly spooky poem. It has been read on local radio – and not so local radio – by a friend in the news biz. It was too long to fit the 100 words criteria, but I will share the link here if you want a bit of a scary tickle. 🙂