Daily Archives: May 11, 2012

Mary bowed her head. “Yes, Mother.”

She arose and walked to the door.

Her penance was in the acceptance of her fate.

Mary would hang up her habit and leave the convent forever.

Take two on the Trifextra challenge word: Mother. There may yet be a sentimental post. Cogitating.

You Mother (beep)er!

“Cut! Dude, you cannot say that!”

Don’t tell me what I can say on my own mother (beep)ing show! It’s MY show!

Producer: “Howard, you’re fired. It’s my show now.”
For this Mother’s Day weekend those motherly editors (lamenting added gray hairs caused by the trifectans) challenged us to write 32 words and adding MOTHER within for the requisite 33 words.

Now, I’m as sentimental as most Moms and truly expect my children (both mothers themselves) to call/text me, but my mind went totally into left field on this one. I may write sentimentally, too. We’ll see. 🙂

Happy Mother’s Day everyone.