Monthly Archives:October 2012

The Lord’s my rock. In Him I hide. A shelter in the time of storm.

Jenna’s throaty alto contrasted with the younger, higher sopranos at First Raptured Assembly Church. She rocked back on her heels, lifted her face, and raised her hands in praise.

Glorys were shouted and Hallelujahs rang. Pastor Jamieson danced on the altar and clutched his hanky, dabbing at his lips.

“Praise God, sisters and brothers, praise God-a! We are in the presence-a of the Father today-a. Let the Holy Ghost-a lift you up-a to the Throne. The storms assail, but we prevail. Hallelelujah!”

Outside thunder rolled.
Our country has had a wild few days weather-wise. People place their faith in many things. I imagine that many sang this hymn and clung to the hope that their Shelter would hold fast.

Written for Lance’s 100 Word Song wherein he chose Bob Dylan’s Shelter from the Storm.

Bonnie patted her ruby lips with a tissue. It wouldn’t do to leave any stains behind. She tucked blonde curls behind her ears and set her hat at a jaunty angle. Her last act before walking out the door to meet her beaux was to tuck a derringer into her stockings.

He sat waiting, engine running. To watch her sway toward him was to kindle more than love. What they had together was blood lust pure and simple. Clyde jumped out of his seat, ground out his butt and swept open the door.

“Been waiting for you, doll.”

She winked.
It’s been a few weeks since I’ve written for the 100 Word Challenge. This week VV has chosen the word KINDLE. A young couple I know recently posted a picture of them on fb. It reminded me of Bonnie and Clyde (whose picture is shown below), and apparently stuck in my mind.

New Jersey Governor Christie blames mixed messages from Atlantic City mayor. . .

and the mayor strikes back.

Meanwhile . . . all of the major media continue to send reporters out into dangerous situations to make their reports. Last night I saw reporters nearly blown off their feet in hurricane-force winds, standing in knee deep water, wading out into humongo waves to show how deep the water was in the parking lot; this morning standing in the aftermath needing to wear glasses to protect against the needle sharp sand.

PEOPLE!! What is wrong with you? Even my 13 year old granddaughter said, “Gramma, if they told me to go out into that weather I would use two letters . . . N – O!”

That’s my gorlie. 13 and standing up for herself. May it ever be so.

And, really . . . if you get off by watching other folks in dangerous situations, why don’t YOU try it for a change. Or, better yet . . . write the media and tell them how silly it is.

I heard a radio talk show host this morning (local) remind us that we (US) have invested millions of $$ in inventing robo-cams and the like . . . for heaven’s sake – USE THEM!!


carry on.

be safe.
I searched for media and Sandy and caught these two images. The first, I believe, is Al Roker from NBC Today Show – re-posted in an article flaming media going out in the storm:

The second is of a father and his son standing in the pre-Sandy waves:

Which leads to my question of media showing the public how to take risks and chances and wondering how many people are injured just for the sake of a picture.


Okay, gentle readers — fair warning. This week the editors at Trifecta challenged us with a word that might offend your sensibilities. If that is so, please do not read further. If you choose to read beyond the cut and are then offended . . . well, as they say, you were warned.


She walked, limping, but unaided.
She walked, unclothed, altered.
She walked unknowing, unafraid.
Whence cameth this zombie?
Her name, it appears, is Felicia.
Gone twenty years, here now.
Stranger tales have been told.

Photo Credit: Zora Neale Hurston

The Trifextra weekend challenge tells the tale of zombies among us and asks us for our 33 words about the tale. This week’s entries will be community judged for 12 hours upon closing Sunday. Who is this community? If you are reading this, YOU are part of the community. If you could go over and read the other entries before you cast your vote, it would be ever so cool.