Hooves clash and nostrils flare
The color purple is everywhere
The question looms – whatever to do?
PurpleMoose comes to the rescue

Hip hip hooray!
We live in Alaska
we make our own fun

Picture borrowed from Seattle Mariners page for the weekend Super Hero challenge at Trifextra.

11 responses

  1. Atreyee says:

    Ha!ha!Barbara,this is so fun!love it & where the heck did you get this cute mascot?:-)Well done!

  2. ann bennett says:

    Good to see the moose is back and up to defending all the good people from evil doers. I thought he just got along on his looks. ;=}

  3. jody says:

    does the Alaskan governor have a purple hotline number?

  4. Paula J says:

    The moose is magnificent! And purple!!!!

  5. Suzanne says:

    This is great Barbara! Love PurpleMoose — and I think I really need to visit Alaska!

  6. Draug419 says:

    My new favorite hero haha 😀

  7. Trifecta says:

    Barbara, this is a delight!

    Thanks for linking up! Please don’t forget to come back to vote!

  8. Cobbie's World says:

    Purple Moosie sounds like an excellent children’s superhero. Lord knows, kids today can use a fun-loving, Nature-respecting, kind of hero. Purple is my 3 1/2 year old daughter, Sophie’s favourite colour. I know she would dig Purple Moosie as much as her Dad does. Thanks for linking up right at the end. Fr doing so, you get my final vote. Congratulations. Nice to have you back home. 🙂

  9. JannaTWrites says:

    Three cheers for Purple Moose 🙂

  10. Ha, great one 🙂 In Sweden there is an area that have real white mooses

    http://sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.aspx?programid=93&artikel=4730825 (In Swedish)

  11. Lumdog says:

    Fun poem. Welcome back Barbara.

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