My all too wide rear on the front page is what started it. Working the finish line of a race, I was only secondary in the picture, but that rear shot bothered me.

Five days later I walked into a gym and sat on an exercise bike for the first time in a long forever.

That was last August. Since that first tentative ride I’ve worked my way up to 45-60 minutes, adding treadmill time and lifting weights.

My weight? Yes, that number has decreased as well. The derriere will be a bit smaller on this year’s front page story.
Written for the challenge REWORK from Velvet Verbosity.

5 responses

  1. There’s something cute about this story, and at the same time there’s a “chin up and out” vibe too. Ain’t no derriere gonna get the best of YOU, no ma’am!

    I would take out the “so” at the beginning of the second paragraph. I have a tendency to overuse “so” and lately have been cutting it every time I can. That paragraph will be stronger without it. (I know, I know, it messes with the word count…)

    Enjoy a healthy pat on the back Lady, you deserve it!

  2. Tara R. says:

    I had the same sort of reworking inspiration when I saw photos of myself at my daughter’s recent graduation. Good luck!

  3. Sam Edge says:

    way to rework it.

  4. barbara says:

    great feedback, VV . . . the word SO can be grating. Thanks for catching it. 🙂

  5. Rachael says:

    Congrats on your progress & perseverance!

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