Monthly Archives:October 2014

The jester shook his head and felt a perverse glee in the sound of the bells on his hat.

It was working! He hopped about and stirred the pot, then cackled with joy.

He had gotten them into the same place at the same time then set his dominoes to tumbling. Roadblock after roadblock discouraged the meeting they had hoped for.

A thought – drive home -return in the morning. An added insult by our imp – RAIN! She wouldn’t want to drive in torrential rain. Victory was his. He had foiled their plans.

Maybe. Check next week to discover the rest.

written for the 100 Word Challenge VV and I are in the same town tonight and we are trying to meet up. I’ll let you know next week if we make it or if the jester wins.

Eddie wrapped his cloak tighter around his body, then shrugged as the wind whipped it out of his grasp. Striding with purpose down Boylston Street, his mind whirled with stanzas and verse.

He was considered a bad boy in his day; a rabble rouser. It made no difference to him. He laughed and cried, “pot meet kettle” going about his way.

Today his mind was whirling as he struggled with just the right words to cap his latest poem. A cluck and caw sounded. He lifted his head.

“No longer. No, that doesn’t work. Quoth the raven, nevermore!” That’s it!

Written for Velvet Verbosity’s 100 Word Challenge: CLOAK.

Eddie, of course, is Edgar Allen Poe. Last week Boston unveiled a statue to Eddie near the site of his family home. I am excited at the timing as I will be visiting Boston next week and plan to see this monument – as well as walk the Freedom Trail.

. . . and, yes . . . that IS the Telltale Heart tumbling from his briefcase.