You’re so lucky, she gushed. You have the perfect job, the perfect house, the perfect kids, the perfect husband.

Yeah, that’s what I call it. Lucky.

Little did she know that behind the perfect job lay a boss who gloated in my imperfections; behind the perfect house lay a too many years to be counted mortgage; behind the perfect kids lay orthodontia and medical bills, as well as delinquencies; and behind the perfect husband lay his mistress. Okay, the mistress lay beneath the perfect husband.

But at least I have my health.

Here’s to good health. It’s all I’ve got.
This piece for Velvet’s 100 Word challenge (LUCKY) is not quite (okay, nowhere near) as sappy as my last entry. Purely fictional for any family who might wander by and wonder what in the world is up with the moose.

6 responses

  1. Alexis says:

    Glad to know it’s fictional. Otherwise that mistress would have to answer to the moose! 😉

  2. Tara R. says:

    Goes to show we don’t always know what kind of luck someone has.

  3. Carrie says:

    LOL, you never know, that mistress could be behind him, you know doing something kinky 😉

    Well done.

  4. Lance says:

    The sheen of “things look great”. Great job grabbing attention and delivering emotion.

  5. mish says:

    I loved the cheeky and sarcastic tone… 🙂
    Yay to good health… nobody can take that away from you!

  6. Seems we learn this lesson over and over and still convince ourselves of the “perfection” of someone else’s life. And it seems easier to do with social media profiles, doesn’t it?

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