Category Archive:talkin’ to mahself

We all have demons. Mostly we keep them tempered and out of sight of everyone. We try doubly hard to keep demons at bay where our loved ones are concerned.

For the most part.

And, then there is that one time when they fly – right out of your brain through your heart and out of your mouth. They, set free, wreak havoc on all those around.

Hearts are twisted. Loves are deflated. Relationships are harmed.

All for that one word set free from the demon’s mouth.

Tomorrow is a new day. Tomorrow I will temper my demons.


We’ll see.

Written for Ms. Tara’s 100 Word Challenge. The word, as you might have guessed, is DEMON. Now, go and write your own.

My daughter tells me I see (myself) through “fat eyes” and tells me I need to begin seeing myself as I am. Which is no longer fat. While still being overweight I am no longer what they call morbidly obese. She recently sent me two pictures from 14 and 15 years ago. I was blown away.

I considered not sharing them, but I know that I am not the only one who has body image issues. Mind you, I do love myself because I know I am a daughter of the King and He made me perfectly. But there are times when I do not see myself with His eyes.

So those are the times when I need reminding. How about you?

The first picture is from about 14 years ago when my youngest daughter and her family were building their house. The second is about 15 years ago when their little miss was born. The last pic is of me at Hilton Head SC in March this year. I’ve come a ways.

This is what gets me into the box each week. This is what makes me smile, coach Nikki.

2001 jenns house kinzie birth 2001 meatlantic

I still have fat eyes . . . I am trying to break myself of that habit. Body image is tough. It starts when we are young – could be things said at home. Could be things said at school. It carries on through our adulthood for lots of reasons. Join me in seeing you through non-fat eyes. Let’s look past supposed imperfections and just accept ourselves for the truly amazing human beings we are.

They scurry and scamper
On feet so spry – so fleet
Into one ear
Bouncing around in my brain
Slipping quickly into
The nether regions of
My mind
Then out again
Into the bigger

I grasp and try to
Bring them back
These ideas
These flitting pieces
Of wisdom
Of brilliance
And then

I awake
They are gone
And I am left bereft
Missing them
Those tiny thoughts
That could be so

The bulb dims
The candle flickers
What once was gray
No longer matters
Is no longer within

Memo to self
Write the brilliance down!


100 words – in nearly as many lines – for the current 100 Word challenge by Ms. Tara. Now, you go on over and write your 100, won’t you?

There are times when the darkness is just too great, too powerful, too overwhelming. There are times.

There are times when the light just flows in, flows around, flows through me, you, we.
There are times.

There are times when I’m blinded by the darkness, by the light, by the EVERYthing
There are times.

There are times when you don’t understand, I don’t understand, we cry.
We cry.

And then . . .
There is the you of it. There is the me of it. There is the we of it.
Those times? Those are the times I love best.
Introspection and peace is what VV sought from family camp. It’s hard to explain the whys and hows and such.

[ changó ] / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND

Ah tole you! We done missed the bus cause you doin that shuffle ‘long two step. Dad burned younguns! Lissasue! Stand up straight, now y’hear? Ima sit raht here and rest mah dogs.
Written for the trifextra challenge – 33 words using the above picture as the launch point. These are mine – where are yours?