Daily Archives: February 17, 2012

Madame DeFarge
knit away
lives of all those slain

she smiled while knitting
that devious dame
with glee and little shame

a nefarious time
Today much the same

Who’s knitting our lives?

Oh, those Trifextra Trixters . . . the challenge? Re-write a famous story in our own words – in exactly 33 of those words. Oh, my!

You may ask – why Tale of Two Cities – a young friend of mine is reading it with her sophomore class at Kenai Central HS. She is having a tough time of it, as are her friends. My encouragment to continue reading, to read it aloud, to compare the times, seems to be falling on deaf (aka teenaged) ears.

I need to re-read it. It’s been well over 40 years . . . but I remember Madame DeFarge and her knitting . . . and I compare her devilish glee with today’s politicos. Someone knitting away while we languish/die? Yeah, maybe.

And – it took over 100 words to explain my 33 word piece. Yeesh!