The gavel came down. The Senate President waited until the last cough died away.

“By a unanimous vote the Body has displayed No Confidence in Senator Moriarity. The Senator will be removed immediately.”

Trifecta’s editors challenged us to write 33-333 words using the word CONFIDENCE in its third definition. These are mine – where are yours?

3 a: a relation of trust or intimacy [took his friend into hisconfidence]
b : reliance on another’s discretion [their story was told in strictest confidence]
c : support especially in a legislative body [vote of confidence]

7 responses

  1. Libby says:

    Holmes behind it!!

  2. Sandra says:

    Yes, work of Sherlock, all right!

  3. Please don’t tell me that’s 33 words?! Very envious! Nice, to the point. 🙂

  4. Dana says:

    “Why? It’s elementary, my dear Watson!” summed up perfectly in a succint 33 word explanation… I love it!!!! 😉

  5. Awesome. Your efficiency of words is enviable. I’m quite verbose. Even in my comments. 🙂

  6. Mel says:

    Amazing. I could picture an entire scene in these 33 words. FANTASTIC!!!

  7. Trifecta says:

    Thanks for linking up, Barbara. Another creative response to the prompt. I love it when entries land on exactly 33 words. Nice job as always.

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