seventy, originally uploaded by PurpleMoose.

On my 2001 Saturn. You might wonder how in the world I garner so many miles. Yeah, me, too. Well, actually not. It’s all of those Anchorage trips. Hubby was seeing an eye specialist at the time we bought the car, and we were making weekly trips up for treatment. That’s 300 miles a week without any other driving.

Then there is my job – I do a fair amount of driving to meetings and presentations. Yes, I get a mileage account, but we are paid very low on that scale. Non-profits: they’re not for everyone.

School Days: As part of my job I get to go out into the community to make presentations. Today was just such a day. I went to one of the area high schools to talk with the students about submitting a t-shirt logo idea for our annual run.

Okay – old person rant type thing here: Is it just me or . . .

Wow! what a noisy place a high school is! (Why, when I was in school . . .) no, seriously, we stayed in our classrooms unless it was an emergency trip to the bathroom or office (the latter considered an emergency trip only by the teacher – heh). We were not out walking in the hallways or gathered together in clumps yacking it up and swatting at each other in “play”. Nosireebob – we were in our classrooms “learning”

😉 yup, that’s the ticket- learning.

Seriously the kids were great and I hope to see a lot of entries arrive from the two classes I visited.

PurpleMoose signing out and racking up more miles. (ack! a moose joke – hahahahahahaha)
