Monthly Archives:January 2006

seventy, originally uploaded by PurpleMoose.

On my 2001 Saturn. You might wonder how in the world I garner so many miles. Yeah, me, too. Well, actually not. It’s all of those Anchorage trips. Hubby was seeing an eye specialist at the time we bought the car, and we were making weekly trips up for treatment. That’s 300 miles a week without any other driving.

Then there is my job – I do a fair amount of driving to meetings and presentations. Yes, I get a mileage account, but we are paid very low on that scale. Non-profits: they’re not for everyone.

School Days: As part of my job I get to go out into the community to make presentations. Today was just such a day. I went to one of the area high schools to talk with the students about submitting a t-shirt logo idea for our annual run.

Okay – old person rant type thing here: Is it just me or . . .

Wow! what a noisy place a high school is! (Why, when I was in school . . .) no, seriously, we stayed in our classrooms unless it was an emergency trip to the bathroom or office (the latter considered an emergency trip only by the teacher – heh). We were not out walking in the hallways or gathered together in clumps yacking it up and swatting at each other in “play”. Nosireebob – we were in our classrooms “learning”

😉 yup, that’s the ticket- learning.

Seriously the kids were great and I hope to see a lot of entries arrive from the two classes I visited.

PurpleMoose signing out and racking up more miles. (ack! a moose joke – hahahahahahaha)


shadow, originally uploaded by PurpleMoose.

Don’t YOU carry your camera to your dentist’s office? Well, you would if the temps were minus (MINUS!!!) 12 degrees and you were going to be in the chair for awhile for a cleaning and check up. Yup, don’t want to freeze the camera, now do we?

So, in it went with me. And, as I hung up my jacket I looked through the window into the entry way and noticed the perfect shot – the shadow of Dr. Hu’s door shining on his entry way wall.

I really like going to my dentist – he is a local “boy” done good. He went away to dental school and returned to set up his practice. He was only 24 when he became a dentist!!!

Now at 33 he is moving up to the next phase of his life . . . marriage Chinese style. He is leaving for Taiwan tomorrow to pick up his bride and his parents. They’ve been over there for about a month getting the plans for the weddings (yes, that is plural) all taken care of; you see – there will be a wedding here in America and then a few months down the road, a very formal wedding in Taiwan. All the bells and whistles.

He is so cute when he talks about his bride. He misses her terribly and is so ready to go pick her up. 😉


twofer, originally uploaded by PurpleMoose.

Brookston’s Photo Hunt – he asked for an outdoor piece of art with extra point for sculpture. Taken on this snowy Sunday afternoon. Many ice sculptures are being built in front of area businesses in honor of Peninsula Winter Games. The games are held each year to help snow-bound, house-crazy (ever heard of Cabin Fever?) people to get over their bad selves – get up, get out, enjoy yourselves. 😉

If I could whistle, I would. I cannot, so I will applaud loudly!! Hear it? Join in, won’t you? For just LOOK what the Designing Daughter has done with this place. All because of a comment made by reader Paul of Chasing Dragons in an email. He thought that would make a GREAT touring title – The PurpleMoose and the Moosettes.

Can’t you see the headlines? Can’t you hear the cheers?

Do the walls in this room feel softly padded . . . or is it just me?

😉 Thanks, my girl! And, thanks, Paul for the suggestion. Now, if anyone else out there needs designing diva type help, Lessa’s your gal. Go and share the love.




frost, originally uploaded by PurpleMoose.

When we get an ice fog this is what is left . . . very thick, almost snow-like covering on trees and blades of grass – fences – whatever is outside. It really can be quite beautiful.