Monthly Archives:April 2006

WWII Memorial?

Moody Monday: Open

WWII Memorial – Washington, DC

Trusting you each had a blessed Easter with family and/or friends surrounding you. Hubby Moose and I had breakfast at our weekend spot and then he went on to the office for a bit while I went to worship services, taking the Pup with me.

I love the music we sing at Easter – and at Christmas for that matter – but the neatest thing is that these hymns are available to us 365 days a year! It is always appropriate for us to sing of the resurrection of Christ. Just as it is always appropriate to sing of His birth – and of the future when He will return for His saints. Even so, come quickly . . .

He is risen!

He is risen indeed!


The Boy came to help with the Easter bunny duties for the little guys. I had put together plastic eggs with candies and/or money. He chipped in a couple of dollars (all on his own, Lessa! He’s a good kid!) for the big eggs and then spent quite a bit of time scoping out the best hiding spots.

Lessa picked up the Ladybug’s three littles while she went off to pick up the oldest from his visit with his mom  G. After they arrived we tromped outside with all of them and set them loose. Ms. Thang arrived home from her friends’ party just in time to have fun, too. She helped Izzy hunt. Didn’t take very long – the bigger of the kids were soooooo good about leaving the most blatantly placed eggs alone so the littlest could “find” them.

It was a blessing to see them all work together like that.

They all came back inside to look into the eggs and we seeded the Pup’s egg (the Boy and I) with a coupla quarters because she was the only one who hadn’t gotten a monied egg. She is that blonde that she didn’t even notice us slip the quarters into an egg she had already opened – and happily reopened it when her brother told her he thought she had missed one. 😉

Very nice surprise today to see that my Sunset & Soul entry for the Inspiration Challenge last week was selected as a viewers’ favorite. Thanks! The vote is open now for Stories of Sadness.

Well, I think I am going to try to get to bed a bit earlier tonight. Another long week ahead. I imagine I will get used to 40 hours in time – probably just about the time to go back to 30 hour weeks. In the meantime, I am whupped!

Have a wonderful week, friends.

green grass 

Inspiration Challenge: Brilliant Grass

It’s still early yet – as you can see, the only brilliant grass is next to the house where it can bask in the warmth of the sun. As soon as the rest of the snow in the yard melts we will be raking and getting rid of the old white/brown stuff you see there so the new can grow in better.

Happy Easter, everyone. We have a partially overcast day – temps are in the low 30’s so it’s a wee bit chilly still. Sounds like a typical Alaskan Easter to me. Hope your day is a blessed one.

He is risen!

He is risen, indeed!



Lensday Photo Challenge – Egg

This morning’s breakfast – thanks to Mr. Moose!


Inspiration Photo Challenge


The stories these walls could tell
of days long, long ago
territorial days
long before statehood days
childhood and old age days
laughter heard among the clan
happiness and sadness tears
run freely – together
farewell, old house
you with the haunting emptiness
boards gone missing – gaptoothed windows
tell me your stories, be they happy or sad
but tell me your stories, true.