in love and war . . .

there are currently several teenagers at the house next door. Outside teenagers, that is. They are figuring out the car pool thing, though, as there are only three extra vehicles there at the moment. One came FULL of boys.

The hearts in the front yard were rearranged by the girls (to tell them they liked them, Gramma, says the Pup) into a huge X followed by a huge O. Ahh, yes . . . hugs and kisses. Awwww ain’t that sweet. 😉

Sorry – didn’t get?a picture. Maybe tomorrow if they are still out there.

Hope you’ve had a grand weekend. It was sure a short week, huh? Happy Monday, everyone.

oh-oh . . . just heard Dad’s truck pull in . . . wonder if there will be a few less teenagers over there shortly????

one responses

  1. da moose says:

    yup – in answer to the question – so far TWO of the vehicles have gone. oh – nope, make that all three. Ahhh, the power of DAD!

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