Monthly Archives:November 2006

One of my joys four days a week is taking TAT to early school before I go to work. He meets a small group of students and they get some extra attention from a teacher.

One day recently as we rushed in three of his little friends were sitting on a couch chatting with a teacher. I did my normal good-bye thing – I gave (and received) a big hug from TAT and told him to have a great day in school and to learn bunches.

Then I gave him a kiss.

We are a close family – hugs and kisses abound – we enjoy each other and love each other.

The teacher looked up and said . . .

T____ are you letting a GIRL kiss you?

He looked her right in the eye and said . . . (more…)

Double your pleasure – two entries today.

This little guy has quite a history/birth story to tell to his great grandchildren. He is all the more special to us because of all we all went through to make sure he saw his first week’s birthday.

Today he turns 8 years old. So hard to believe that.

Love you, TAT!

p.s. yes, there is a reason for his nickname. If you are close to us you know the story. If not, well, it makes you wonder, doesn’t it?


Question of the Day:

I have written here in the past about the joy we have each weekend – we take one (of the 7) grandbabies (several of whom are no longer babies!) shopping with us.

Saturday we took the Pup (Lessa’s youngest) for her day. Much discussion was had about where we would have our late lunch/early dinner.

You know that little small tiny restaurant we went to that one time?

Ummm, no, sweetie, which one?

YOU know! my brother told me about it.

Ahh (lightbulb moment – it is in the next town past the next town – and a bit on the spendy side and very slow this time of day) – well, sweetie (Paw-Paw at his best here) I think they are closed for the winter.

Oh, well S****y then – (insert big sigh here)

We have a lightbulb moment ourselves – How about G****r’s in the mall? It’s a little, small, tiny restaurant you know? Have you eave been there?

No – well, maybe – sure! Let’s go there!

And so we do. The decor in this place is all 50s/60s with a poodle skirt on the wall and photos/posters of Elvis (who she spotted right away and wondered if that was a REAL picture of Elvis, Gramma?) and James Dean and Marilyn Monroe.

There was discussion on the half car (set into the wall) and its occupants: Are they STRAW men or HAY men, Gramma?


And, then . . .  the question of the day . . .

What are those big cds on the wall, Gramma? Are those all by Elvis?

Oh, my yes . . . we are THAT old – umm, sweetie, those are RECORDS! We have several at home still – and, yes, we still have a player that PLAYS them – it uses a needle.

WHAT? (we explain the concept of records) Oh! And, what are those smaller cds?

Those are 45s sweetie. They hold ONE song on each side.

Oh! Do they play on a cd player?

And on it went. Life is so interesting when one of the younger ones is involved. One of the waitresses came over – we have known her for years – and her ears were properly bent by the Pup as well.

She said “Oh my gosh! She sounds JUST like my daughter – only she’s (the daughter) older!”

Sorry, Lessa, it doesn’t look like this will change anytime soon. Hope you have a good supply of ear protectors on hand.

Entirely too much fun!



Today is D-bug’s 10th birthday.  We understand there is to be a (cake) party sometime today. We are just waiting to hear when (we can come and have cake) from the Ladybug herself.


did I mention that it is rumored that there will be (cake) sometime today?

Tomorrow, too – as that is the middle bug’s birthday.

yummm – (cake)!


I receive emails from someone who is on a foreign mission field. For the safety of many, that is all that I can say about it. A scripture is written with each message and today’s blessed me mightily:

Romans 1:16  “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”

There is blessing and conviction in that verse. The conviction comes from the first part – “for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ . . .”There is no shame in telling you all that I am a believer in Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. Yet, sometimes I fear I hide that fact. Thus the conviction.

It is easier, at times, to play along with those around us – joining in on the reindeer games, so to speak. It is easier to titter at an off color joke than it is to simply turn and walk away (taking the chance that someone else might be offended by our actions???)

It is easier to join in on the office gossip – to cross the line from confidence to expose’ – so much easier . . . in THIS world.

but in the next world – I will be facing my God – and He will be demanding the reasons – and I will be responsible for what I have done or not done on this earth.

no less forgiven, understand, but responsible nonetheless.

It is my prayer that He will see only His Son’s shadow in front of me – for I am forgiven by His blood on the cross. Praise Him!

Have an awesome Saturday, everyone.