Awhile back a certain person who owns a purple porch challenged several people to relate six of their quirks.

I never answered the challenge, because, of course, I have no quirks – that you all don’t already know.

Or so I thought. Here are a couple:

1. I have a certain order in which I wash dishes and it bugs me when hubby moose doesn’t follow that order – but I won’t say anything to him, because – HEY! he’s doing the dishes, people. Glasses are washed FIRST – placed in drainer to drain (duh, moosie!), then placed onto the drainer’s pegs. Silverware – okay, it’s stainless –  is washed next and placed into the little cuppy thing on the drainer – knives pointed DOWN, all else pointed up – sharp knives are perched on the edge of the drainer. Plates are next – smaller to larger coming toward the sink. Bowls next, starting with smaller cereal bowls, ranging up to serving bowls. LASTLY comes the saucepans and frying pans.

It’s all very orderly – so that the greasy things are last and my glasses (plastic or otherwise) do NOT get grease on them. (noted: why, yes, I DO do my dishes by hand – don’t you?)

2. Quirk number 2 also has to do with washing the dishes. Again, I do NOT complain because the man is trying, folks. BUT . . . dishes have TWO sides and that means  BOTH sides are to be washed. Nothing grosses me out more than to be served dinner on a plate that feels grody on the back side.

Wait . . . what am I saying here? The man brought me my dinner (that I had set to cooking, mind you) to my computer station!

erm . . . never mind. If I want the dishes done in my quirky little way . . . i’ll do them myself.



5 responses

  1. Faith says:

    I gotta do this quirk thing, though it will be hard to limit it to just 6. What happened to your other 4??

  2. AkMotleyGal says:

    I have the same quirks when it comes to dishes- have to be done in a certain order (very close to your order)and what’s so hard about understanding there are two sides to dishes????

  3. Faith – erm . . . it has taken me quite awhile to come up with TWO!! I’ll keep thinking on the other four for you. 😛

    Gal – yup – I hear ya, but if he is willing to at least try, I guess I can scrape it off with my fingernail . . . ewwwwwww nebber mind!


  4. CNL says:

    I’m going to print this for my husband so he will stop saying (bitching) that I’m the only one in the world that has dish washing rules. “doesn’t matter how they get washed as long as they get clean,” is what he says. No, it matters. Thanks for backing me up Moosey. 😉

  5. moosie says:

    happy to have been of some help – snerk! You and I both know that THIS will not stop either of them!

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