Monthly Archives:January 2007

at the beginning of the month – the beginning of the year – I mentioned a book I had just finished – @ Home for the Holidays by Meredith Efken.

Shortly after I finished that book my boss brought in a tub chock full of books to share. I snagged a grocery bag’s worth. She has great taste in reading and is generous with her bounty. I am always out for a new read and so snagged away.

So, in the  past two weeks, these are the books I have finished and highly recommend to you all.

The first I completed was Pigtopia by Kitty Fitzgerald. This poignant and thought provoking book was also a bit disturbing. It is hard to read of cruelty – against a human being – by other (so-called) human beings. Fiction – but oh, so believable.

I began to read Gilead by Marilynn Robinson, only to be introduced to another before I could finish it – so I read them simultaneously. It depended on the time of day and where I was which book I had in my hands.

First, Gilead. This is a long letter from a dying old preacher (77 years old) to his 7 year old son (by a second marriage after his first wife and child died.) There is much angst over what he would have his son know – and what he learns about himself and those around him while in the process of writing the letter.

Absolutely wonderful read! I know such a preacher and I found myself thinking I wish he would read this book to get an insight to himself. Then realized I was getting an insight to my pastor/preacher by reading about this one. It’s a good read – not overly religious – very human – and heart-touching. I finished it today.

And, the book my boss handed me just after I began Gilead was New Stories from the South: the Year’s Best, 2006, edited by Allan Gurganus and Kathy Pories. I finished it yesterday and returned it as was requested by my boss. (all of the rest of the books are welcome to find new homes, although I do take them back as I finish them – to allow someone who wasn’t as quick or sticky-fingered as I to enjoy them as well.)

As can be figured out by the title – it is a book of short stories and they have an underlying current running through them – the South. All happened either IN the south or TO southerners. Pathos, angst, “the” war, slavery, humanity . . . all are covered. It is a wonderful read. When you click on the link you will see that there are other issues as well – seems there is a volume published every year.

Okay – here it is just the 24th of the first month of 2007 and I have read four books this year! I’ll report later what my next selection has been.

Our receptionist is out this week so I am doing desk duty. It’s a lovely thing to be paid to sit and read all day. And, I am free to do just that – as long as the phone gets answered, the mail gets sorted, faxes handled, people let in and out of the door, coffee made, etc. Lovely, just lovely.

So – what are YOU reading?????

Awhile back a certain person who owns a purple porch challenged several people to relate six of their quirks.

I never answered the challenge, because, of course, I have no quirks – that you all don’t already know.

Or so I thought. Here are a couple:

1. I have a certain order in which I wash dishes and it bugs me when hubby moose doesn’t follow that order – but I won’t say anything to him, because – HEY! he’s doing the dishes, people. Glasses are washed FIRST – placed in drainer to drain (duh, moosie!), then placed onto the drainer’s pegs. Silverware – okay, it’s stainless –  is washed next and placed into the little cuppy thing on the drainer – knives pointed DOWN, all else pointed up – sharp knives are perched on the edge of the drainer. Plates are next – smaller to larger coming toward the sink. Bowls next, starting with smaller cereal bowls, ranging up to serving bowls. LASTLY comes the saucepans and frying pans.

It’s all very orderly – so that the greasy things are last and my glasses (plastic or otherwise) do NOT get grease on them. (noted: why, yes, I DO do my dishes by hand – don’t you?)

2. Quirk number 2 also has to do with washing the dishes. Again, I do NOT complain because the man is trying, folks. BUT . . . dishes have TWO sides and that means  BOTH sides are to be washed. Nothing grosses me out more than to be served dinner on a plate that feels grody on the back side.

Wait . . . what am I saying here? The man brought me my dinner (that I had set to cooking, mind you) to my computer station!

erm . . . never mind. If I want the dishes done in my quirky little way . . . i’ll do them myself.



the stud!

read it over at Lessa’s place:

It starts at this post . . .

continues here with talk of haircuts and corsages

the actual dropoff and photos . . .

and, now the Gramma is off to bed for her beauty sleep . . . but Lessa promises there will be more, much more, after she brings Mr. Stud Muffin home from the dance. And, btw, it is now officially well on the way to them staying for the ENTIRE dance – which ends at 11 – as it is now 10:15 or so.

sniffles . . . and so it begins . . . he has 3 1/4 more years of high school dances in front of him. heh. Good luck, Lessa! 😯

Good night, folks.


Post Hijacked by Lessa to add: D-Day, the Aftermath. The final post in the saga is here. *grins* Thanks for checkin in folks!

And reported by Mr. Moose . . .  

in the middle school hallway:

unknown student: Your Grandpa (Mr. Moose) is BALD!

The Girl: don’t be mean to my Grandpa! He doesn’t KNOW he’s bald.

PurpleMoose: bwahahahahaha


Rant, that is . . .

People – control yourselves when using the anti-stank spray, please! You’re killing me!!!

One person here seems to feel it is her DUTY to spray and spray and spray whenever the teensiest odor reaches her nose. It could be from the bathrooms – or it could be from our public give-and-take closet – it could even be from food . . .  but if her nostrils are somehow offended she takes it upon herself to go and get the anti-stank spray and spray and spray and SPRAY!

Suddenly MY nostrils are offended. I’m sneezing and coughing and wheezing . . .

Sometimes I need to close my office door because I cannot breathe from the fumes.

Sometimes you just need to live with a little bit of stank, you know?

Sometimes the cure is worse than the illness.What?!! Is it ME? Are you trying to tell ME that **I** stink?
