Monthly Archives:February 2007

this time by Meredith at Violet Voices 

I never really completed it last time, so will have another go at it today. 8)

Six weird things about the Moose:

:arrow: 1. I have a certain order in which I wash dishes and it bugs me when other folks don’t follow that order – but I don’t say anything, because I appreciate it when others do my dishes. (Hubby Moose does them a few times each week!) Glasses are washed FIRST – placed in drainer to drain (duh, moosie!), then placed onto the drainer’s pegs. Silverware – okay, it’s stainless –  is washed next and placed into the little cuppy thing on the drainer – knives pointed DOWN, all else pointed up – sharp knives are perched on the edge of the drainer. Plates are next – smaller to larger coming toward the sink. Bowls next, starting with smaller cereal bowls, ranging up to serving bowls. LASTLY comes the saucepans and frying pans.

It’s all very orderly – so that the greasy things are last and my glasses (plastic or otherwise) do NOT get grease on them. (noted: why, yes, I DO do my dishes by hand – don’t you?)

:arrow: 2. Quirk number 2 also has to do with washing the dishes. . . . dishes have TWO sides and that means  BOTH sides are to be washed. Nothing grosses me out more than to be served dinner on a plate that feels grody on the back side.

:arrow: 3. Folding laundry: my mom worked in a hospital laundry from when I was 8 until she died (in the same hospital) following a stroke when I was 23. There was a certain way hospital bedding and such had to be folded. I sort of follow through on it. I like things folded neatly and TIGHTly – there is only so much room in the “linen closet” and if things are folded loosely they won’t all fit.

:arrow: 4. I like moose – stuffed and fluffy (especially if purple) or alive and lurking in the front yard. My computer station at home has LOTS of moose (I will take a picture sometime to show you) of the stuffed variety – all different colors. My office at work has several also – they seem to show up in my mail slot or at my door from time to time.

:arrow: 5. I love chocolate. Okay, that’s NOT weird – but, it is a quirk about me. see #6.

:arrow: 6. I like coffee. I quit drinking it for several years, but slowly began to fall back into the mocha every morning habit. Then Daughter #1 bought me an espresso maker for Christmas (thank you, Lessa!) and I now have one in the morning and take another to work with me. My latest vice – swirled mint/chocolate chips added to the chocolate mix and the espresso/milk combo. Oh, my! Wait, maybe that should go into the Guilty Pleasures column. heh

Now we ALL know that the moosie does NOT have vices or quirks or weird habits or anything. Heh. We have trouble seeing the logs in our own eyes . . . maybe someone close to us should write about our quirks?????



My husband is an intimidation expert. Don’t believe me? Read Lessa’s latest over at The Sourdough.

Go ahead, I’ll wait for you . . . .


Back? Alritey, then!

To top off Perfection . . . Now, go and check out today’s Rube’s cartoon.

Too perfect, right? Yup, I thought so, too. Lessa, did you PLAN that???

heh :moose:

You tell me:

Eric Bogosian and Elliott Gould

It has been bugging me for several weeks as I’ve watched Bogosian on Law & Order. Gould’s name kept eluding me, but I knew that I knew the face. You tell me . . . is that eerie or what?

I canNOT find out – so far – if they are related. But, even the voices are close.

It doesn’t seem that they are, but – woah!





What is yours?
Explain yourself
Culinary: jalapeno cheese dip it is sooooo good – and I eat WAY too much – so I make sure we don’t buy it too often
Literary: trashy novels – not romances, though – hate ’em I actually LOVE to read – just about anything – except Mitchener – can’t stand him either
Audiovisual: Texas Hold ’em Poker and Deal or No Deal what IS it about watching other people win money anyway?
Musical: I pretty much listen exclusively to Christian music – but if push came to shove – I love the Beatles’ early work hubby listens exclusively to the OLDIES – moldy and tattered that they are – and it drives me BONKERS!
Celebrity: Patrick Swayze he comes to our town occasionally and stays at a nearby B&B – I confess to walking by said B&B in the hopes of seeing him and Tom Cruise (this, of course was many years ago and PRIOR to TC going bonkers himself)



Now I tag:- Lessa, Lisa, Mother, Linky (just because) and Dan (also just because)

and anyone else who cares to join in – and, thanks, Faith, for sharing courtesy of Joe Flirt.

Meme generator for this post is here.


Lessa is a better writer . . . at least in this competition. 😉

Congratulations, Lessa! I’m proud of you.
