Monthly Archives:March 2007

as promised – here are the pics of our sweaters. I cropped the other two ladies because I don’t have their permission to show their faces.


my friend, B, the ring leader of our little group. 🙂


her sister-in-law L with the sweater she is going to give to someone.


and, of course, the Moose in the “not purple” sweater!

a line from an old hymn.

sunset over Mt. Redoubt - Kenai, Alaska 

taken Wednesday evening along the Bridge Access Road in Kenai near the Kenai River. That is ice the sun is reflecting from in the foreground. In a few weeks it will be melted and the spring birds will be honking and whistling and seeking nourishment from the wetlands.

I sat there for close to half an hour waiting for the sun to dip so I could snap the shot. It has been highlighted on KTUU’s evening news, and I will likely put this one into next year’s Fur Rondy contest.

It’s a lovely spring morning here in Kenai. How do I know that it is spring? Well, it’s simple math, actually . . .

Yesterday the sun was shining brightly – the temps were clear up into the high 20’s (woot!) and the snow and ice were melting riotously in the streets through town. Life is good! We were all thinking to ourselves . . . BREAK UP!

This morning I awoke to snow softly filtering through the morning and landing on my car! Where is the justice, people?

However, it does make what I am going to do in a couple of hours sweeter.

I have two fellow knit-wits who will be meeting me for lunch in the town next over. We are supposed to wear our sweaters that we spent the winter making – together – sort of.

You see, we all started with the same sweater pattern. We purchased the yarn we wanted to work with and the sizes we were going to make. Then we began independently. There have been emails over the winter encouraging each other and answering any challenges we were facing. We met at one point to learn a “new” method of joining the pieces together.

And, then, because it was January and we were having a royal blizzard (not like today’s gentle drifting) two of us became very (VERY) stuck in the third’s driveway. A hubby had to be called to come and help push, pull, encourage the two vehicles out.

But at least we had our new knowledge down pat. 😀

Last month my friend and I got together to shop for buttons. (Her sister in law, the third knit-wit was unable to join us.) We visited the shop where none of us had purchased our yarn and where we dare not SAY that for fear of hurting the owner’s feelings and we selected our buttons.

Then we went to the Kenai Library where a group of like minded knit-wits were meeting just to see what was going on there. We discovered a few secrets – one of which I have already used. I had never thought to use an “anchor” button on the wrong side of the knitted piece to give the pretty button some extra strenth!

That accomplished, my sweater had been finished for a couple of weeks now and I have been knitting socks. I’ve finished two pairs and have one sock completed on the third pair.

Today we are getting together to have lunch and pick out our next project – we are going to be making – or learning to make – felted bags. I bought a book in Anchorage and a coworker has loaned me two books for us to look at.

AND – we get to have lunch and fun together as well. Maybe we will go to that shop to purchase the yarn for the bags!

I will try to get pictures at our lunch and post them later today. In the meantime, you all have fun and stay safe out there. I’m going to go play in the snow.


to move to Alaska? Hmmm?

How about if it is FREE?

Aha! Got your attention. Read about it here – but you gotta be quick!


on a jet plane . . . well, the Boy is . . . after he takes a trip on the bus . . . then gets to the airport to head on out to . . . well, I’m not sure where. But I hope it’s not NY. They’ve got a lot of cancellations due to weather. We’ll be praying that whereEVER he has to fly – will be open and allowing jets to land.

He has to get to the east coast in order to jump the pond.

Love you buddy – have a wonderful time!!!

and – hubby moose and I will be driving to Anchorage tomorrow (today?) Saturday to pick up my photos that were displayed for the Fur Rondy Photo Contest. We’ll spend the night at our favorite B&B – and try not to hold it against them – that they just returned from Hawaii – tonight/Friday. I’m glad (no, really) that they were able to get some much needed time away.

It’ll be a leisurely trip (yeah, right!) because we really don’t have a schedule. I have a sort of list in my head of places I would like to stop, but not really a schedule to do it all.

We should be home late Sunday afternoon. Hopefully we will hear that the Boy and the choir are all safely in Spain.
