Monthly Archives:May 2008

Awhile back I wrote about the blessing of being footloose and cancer free. Today I can write about how my doctors hate me/love me.

No, they really LOVE me! It’s just that some might think a person hates you if he tells you to go on, get out and get on with your life. But to me, that just rings of TRUE LOVE.

And, that is what I heard Monday from my internist. Yeah, I never had an internist before, either. Not until January 20th when I had that pesky little heart attack thing going on. Now I have an internist (or two or three) and a cardiologist – in addition to my urologist from the kidney cancer thang.

And, the all just LOVE me! I am good to go. I am to get out and get on with my life. They are shaking their heads and just saying hmmmmm.

Hmmmm as in – you are now cancer free – come back in six months (instead of the originally planned 3 months).

Hmmmm as in – your bloodwork is FANTASTIQUE! – get outta here – you don’t hafta come back for a YEAR!

Whoot! Just makes this old moosie’s heart go beating on its merry little way.

Oh! and my numbers from that pesky little lipid panel they made me go through? Check out these babies!

Cholesterol = 137
HDL = 52
LDL = 68
Triglycerides = 85

Do you wonder why my doctors all love me? I am in GREAT shape for the shape that I’m in – disgustingly healthy. And, it is SO nice to leave them wondering, you know? yeah!


the house next door houses two adults and two dogs. One of the adults works and is in and out on a pretty regular basis. The other adult – never (NEVER!) leaves the house. She sleeps all day and (???) all night – generally with the music cranked up so loud it vibrates through the ground and through our house – of course our bedroom faces the room where she houses all of her music equipment.

Her sleeping arrangements do not bother my husband – because he works at night and tries to sleep during the daylight hours. It is ME who cannot sleep!

Add to that the dog run they built between our houses – after asking if we minded, of course – but also AFTER I TOLD THEM I MINDED!!! and asked them to build it behind their house or on the other side of their house.

Instead, for their convenience, they built it between our houses so that they can open their door and shove the dogs out without having to leash them up, etc.

Very convenient for them.

Not so for me.

Right now the little yapper is yapping and the big WOOFER is woofing – ad nauseum – at NOTHING in particular –

poor moosie. I know you feel my pain. Anyone remember the Seinfeld episode where Elaine yells out of her window SHUT UPPPPPPPPPPPP! ????

I am that Elaine.

It doesn’t work any better for me than it did for her.

Wait . . . didn’t Kramer help Elaine to put out a hit on that dog?

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm – Kramer????????????

nah – of course I wouldn’t –


First of all – isn’t the new layout tres coolio? Many thanks to my web-guru type daughter!!! If you need a new do for the site? She’s your gal. Thanks, Lessa. I appreciate you.
It’s update time for the Share a Square Bag Project, folks! We are on our way to completing Shelly’s dream of giving an afghan to each Camp Sanguinity camper this summer. To go along with the bags we’d like to send a bag to hold each tag – each square holds a tag telling the name of the crafter who made it – once the child has taken them off the afghan.

Yellow Rose and I are working to gather up 70 bags each. THANK YOU to those who have responded so far! You all are awesome.

The bags in the picture are some that Shelly sent me to decorate. Each is different – I bought some craft beads and sewed them to the bags with gold ribbon. Not bad for a gal whose real talent lies in talking – and knitting – and sometimes both at the same time. ha ha ha.

Meanwhile, our Alaska weather has toned down its attitude a bit. We are still in “almost” spring mode, but at least there has been no snow for a week. Yay! The temps are still a tad chilly, but I opened the bedroom window last night to get some fresh air in the room. Felt so good!

Hoping for a lovely weekend next week. Hubby and I are driving to Homer Saturday morning to see two of the grandkiddos swim in their last meet for the year. Then he and I are going to bunk out at an Inn to celebrate our 39th (!!!!) anniversary. The big plan for the night is a couple’s side by side massage.

**I** will love it. He’s not so sure as he’s never had one before, but I think he will approve as well.

What better picture to show the true meaning of a SouthCentral Alaska Spring for the Thursday Challenge than:


We got out the mower and it was just waiting and ready to begin on the “lawn” when Alaska threw out one more spring snowstorm.
