Monthly Archives:July 2008

Baby face . . . you’ve got the cutest little baaaaaaby face! Captured this mama and baby on the way to church Sunday morning. They look so cute together, don’t they? I had the two youngest granddaughters with me – we saw the moose from a ways down the road and crept quietly up to them. I rolled the window down to get the pic – asked the girls to be very quiet. They did a great job – and were quite tickled to see this duo. As was I – they are the first I’ve gotten pictures of this spring.

Then, Wednesday when I went back to work after my court duty (part of my job – not anything I did wrong, mind you – lol) I couldn’t get out of my car to go into the building – I had a mama and one baby to the right of my car and a baby to the left. Mama moose don’t like it if they think you are separating them from their babies. They get a tad ornery. So, I had to sit there for a bit. Finally baby wandered back to mama and I felt safe enough to go inside.

Where was the camera when little one was peeking in at me?

In my office, of course!!!!


Oh – hey, look what Shelly gifted me with . . . how sweet is she?!

You’re a doll, Shelly!! It arrived today. Thank you so much!

The KnitWitch is open and running a contest. Run on over and check out the site and let her know what YOU would like.

And, if you have any alpaca roving or have knit with alpaca, she is interested in seeing pics of that.

There are three ways to win her contest – so go on over and check it out and, ENTER!!!

I’ll write about this over at the Knitting Passion blog, too – but, I have had some trouble getting into the site to updat so want to make sure I get it done here. (note: the site has been open the last few times I’ve gone over, so am hoping that the problems have been solved. Now if they could just solve the Big Brother Craze problems, Lessa would be a happy girl, too!)

It was all worth it, my friends – the (seemingly) endless skeins of black yarn, the hundreds (thousands) of squares, the L.O.V.E. that went into each and every one of them.

It was ALL worth it!

Thanks to all who helped by making squares, by stitching them into afghans, and by making bags for the tags. You are ALL aces in my book!

Now, git on over to Shelly’s and Sherry’s to read all about it. I had wanted to join them very badly, but things came up at home that didn’t allow it. Shelly and I are eagerly looking forward to a meeting at another time.

the one with the arrow? is an imposter – it’s a white bear wearing a purple moose suit. 😉