Monthly Archives:September 2008

Well, on September 19th, actually, it will be 30 years that we have lived in Alaska! In all that time I have yet to see a bear. Not that I really wanted to see one up close and personal like too many have done this summer (it’s been a bad summer for bear maulings in SouthCentral Alaska) – but I’ve been a titch jealous of folks who have seen blackies and brownies and lived to tell the tale.

Many years ago while I was driving Lessa to Anchorage for something (who know what? We were ALWAYS driving back and forth to Anc. for school stuff – games, etc.) we THINK we saw a blackie poke his nose across a guard rail along the roadside just as we came up on it – and then it wisely decided to go back into the brush . . . we think.

But today? Today was perfect. Hubby moose and I had driven with the Pup (Lessa’s youngest) to Cooper Landing to watch a friend of mine compete in a rowing race on Kenai Lake. As we were driving home near Russian River I spotted something in the road ahead . . . .

Bear, bear, Bear, BEAR!!!! I said over and over excitedly as I patted hubby moose’s thigh to get his attention. Get my camera for me! I continued as I slowed the car down to a stop – this guy was in the middle of the road and going nowhere fast:

As I snapped that picture, s/he stopped, turned, and started toward me, looking at me!

Turned again and headed back across the road in the way it had come from originally:

It was so exciting to see . . . and was the subject of our conversation the rest of the way home. The Pup and I fussed about who would get to tell her mama – Grandpa told her that neither of us would get to as he didn’t have any bars . . . and then we were finally able to call her Mama – first Grandpa talked to her and told her that Nana had something she wanted to tell her (the Pup was all “NOOOOOOOOOOO, **I** want to tell her) and he handed me the phone. Then I said, well I want to tell you, but the Pup wants to tell you first, so (BIG SIGH HERE) here she is . . . and, oh, the squeals of excitement as she told the story.

You gotta love it.

One other thing I’d like to share . . . a bit of wisdom from 9 year old Pup . . . after she had climbed up into a tree to visit with another little girl watching the rowing races . . .

One thing I know for sure . . . don’t ever try to climb trees while wearing heels!

Works for me, Pup, works for me! (she’s the blondie)

these “ladies” (guys in truly awful wigs!) carried their shell to the water while singing “I feel pretty, oh so pretty . . .” Classic!

It was sure chilly in the pool this morning.

musta been . . . . (more…)