hrmjst We have three gorgeous granddaughters – ages 14, 10, and 8. Each one of them could host such a license plate as this one. When we have one of them to ourselves, both Paw-Paw and I serve Her Majesty’s every wish.

For the most part. We are, after all, the grandparents – and grandbabies’ wishes count for oh, so much more, than their mothers’ wishes. Yes, yes, I jest – mostly. We try very hard not to spoil any of the 7 grands. And, THAT is very hard, as I’m sure you know if you have grands yourselves.

During our weekly shopping trips we take one grand at a time. It is their day. They get to choose lunch location AND they get to pick out something special while shopping.

Miss Kinzie chose the Princesses shopping center – some sort of cash register thingy that talks to you. It was on sale so she got something a bit beyond her price range.

She almost let her mama see it when we got her home.


one responses

  1. me says:

    she let me play with it once. ONLY because I took the screws otu of the bottom of it for her and it was in my HANDS and she could do nothing about it….. muahhahaha

    She has to sleep sometime. i will play with it than


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