Monthly Archives:August 2009

Well, no, not exactly . . . but I’m in GROUP NUMBER ONE!!!

yay – the dishragtagteam has now closed its sign-ups and I am in group number one . . . oooooohhhhh the anticipation.
😉 Yay!

And, as I understand it – that little gizmo thingy up there in the blue box will change as my group does its thing. Coolios!

drtagbtn You’re it! Heh – well, I’m it . . .

Found this at ravelry – and you all know just how much I like getting involved in such things . . . remember the Hokie healing squares and the afghan squares project and the bag project and the Big Sock and the miniature socks and the knitted poem (oh, wait, I haven’t told you about THAT one yet – I have completed an R and an F) . . . now it is

Dish Rag Tag

I found out about this project through a comment on ravelry and decided to join up. Now, a group at ravelry may do something of the same sort – and, yes, I’ve signed on to that, too.

Dish cloths – or dish rags – are fun and easy to make – they are quick – and you have a finished object once your square is done. Whoot! I love to make them and I’m looking forward to the super secret pattern that will come with the box.

What is in the box? Well, the super secret pattern, of course, a ball of dish cloth cotton, a finished (from the pattern) cloth and a goodie of some sort. It’s a relay type thing. When I get the box I will get to keep the goodie and the finished cloth. I will then take the enclosed yarn and make up another cloth from the enclosed pattern. Then I will ship the new cloth, a new ball of yarn, the super secret pattern AND a goodie of my choosing to the next person ready to receive.

There will be prizes for the group that finishes first (the plan is for 22 groups of 10 knitters each) and other things as they are thought up.

See . . . doesn’t that sound like fun? You have until Wednesday to sign up.

Well, go on . . . see you here later.

p.s. there are some problems with 451 press blogs and most of us are not able to access the sites. So, I will be updating with any knitterly stuff here – it’s all good.