Monthly Archives:April 2010

on tv. This latest gadget for cracking eggs.

Certainly I’m not the only one who gets caught up in this type of ad . . . but wait . . . there’s more!

Nope, we haven’t bought one (yet) but that extra thingy – that beats the egg while it is still INSIDE the shell? Yeah – that is priceless!


why I do what I do:

My laptop has been giving me fits all week – I had a popup that kept running saying I had malware and virus-es and . . . ad nauseum. Sigh! Each time I ran my virus checker it said the computer was clear . . . and yet there was that durned popup.

Took it to the ‘puter hospital a couple of days ago – was to be back the next day – should only cost me 1.5 hours of time . . . still there – don’t know the cost – DO know it WAS some sort of virus. The guru is running all sorts of scans and installing new protections and such.

🙁 I am usually so careful.

I take heart in knowing that I am not the only one who has seen this very same thing happen to her computer in the past couple of weeks. Something, somewhere, sometime has latched itself onto our puters and has taken over.

And, nope . . . the three I know about . . . none of us is connected in any way other than knowing each other. We have not emailed back and forth so we have not infected each other.

🙁 I miss my computer. Hubby is loaning me his ancient laptop to play on because I was jonesing so bad – needed my fix and email fix. Thanks, hubbymoose.