Monthly Archives:January 2011

“Not me!”

Anita’s brain could not, would not take hold of the idea. Dr. Wood took her hand and repeated his words.

The room grew too bright, then immediately dimmed. Anita’s vision narrowed.

“So this is tunnel vision! Whoa! Focus, Anita, focus.”

And she tried to pay attention to the words. After all, she was the one and only – the invincible 42 year old district attorney in an otherwise non-descript town. Nothing could slow her down.

Nothing, except for that thin tell-tale line on a plastic stick.

“There’s nothing wrong with you nine months can’t cure,” laughed the doctor. “Congratulations!”

This post is in response to Velvet Verbosity’s prompt INVINCIBLE. Why don’t you take a try at the challenge – 100 words – no more and then submit it to VV’s site. Have fun.

“Remember when music was fun?” Linda sighed as she flipped through the album covers in the SALE bin. “We used to sing Kumbaya when we were 16. I still remember the lyrics to I Wanna Hold Your Hand, too.”

Andy stroked Linda’s palm and leaned in for a quick kiss.

“Andy, stop! We’re right in the middle of Target for heaven’s sake!”

“Aw, honey, nobody’s watching. You know I love you. You’re still pretty hot for an old gal, you know!”

Linda laughed and pointed. “Look at these lyrics, Andy. I was stabbed by satan. Gracious! I miss the old days.”

This is in response to Velvet Verbosity’s weekly prompt, STABBED. Thanks, VV, for choosing last week’s entry, In the Spirit of Things, as your pick of the week.

The quoted lyrics are from an actual song – I’ve never heard it – found it through a lyrics search online. I am an old gal – would rather hear the Beatles.

We’ve got spirit, yes we do. We’ve got spirit, how ‘bout you?

Sandi shook her poms and thrust her hip as the cheer rang through the auditorium. It bounced back as the other team’s cheerleaders repeated the taunt.

How much longer? This game is so boring. Why do we keep cheering? We lost it in the first half.

Rebellious thoughts swirled through her head as Sandi schooled her face into the mask she had perfected since freshman year. Today’s was the last basketball game of her senior year. No sentimental foolishness. She was thrilled to get on with her life.

This is a second response to Velvet Verbosity’s 100 Word Challenge. This week’s prompt is Spirit.

Echoing our cheerleaders – now, how ’bout you? Isn’t it YOUR turn to write 100 words?