Monthly Archives:August 2011

She plumbed the depths
Of her black-hearted soul
Seeking for one elusive shard of

A purity was missing and
It had been much too long
Since Good had shone into her

Goodness was nowhere to be found
In the cold dark hell
She had created in her

She sought still – sure
It would be there if
Only she could dig deeply

A friend came through
And helped her dig
Her way out – through portals dark

And there – at the bottom
Of a cold and lonely life
She found a way out – a way back

photo from Cold,Dark Heart by ~DarkRein97

You know it’s true. We’ve had a series of very rainy days and the temps are dropping. I volunteered for the Crisis Pregnancy Center’s 5K run Saturday and it took me hours to finally warm up afterwards.

But there are other ways that let you know the seasons are changing rapidly:

My personal nemesis, fireweed, is in full bloom alongside roadways and our mailbox. I decided to embrace the change this year and not fret the coming change of seasons. We’ll see how that works out for me.

Another sure sign is that the City has sent out the big boy’s tractor to scrape and level my road in preparation for the coming season’s plowing sessions.

I’m never quite ready for THAT season. Even though I know it comes at approximately the same time every year it always seems to sneak up on me. However, time is short when the weather folks are telling us there is “termination dust” appearing on the mountains. Even Mt. Redoubt had a new white dress on this week after the clouds lifted.