Monthly Archives:January 2012

She stood – frozen – those eyes held her against her own will. She couldn’t blink; could only watch mesmerized by the thing in front of her.

“Don’t move, Rachel,” reverberated in her skull.

“So this is how I meet my end, she thought; held in the sway of the grizzly’s glare – afraid to step either right or left – afraid to move at all.”

Unbidden a tear trickled down her cheek and Rachel felt the tremor of her knees begin.

The standoff seemed to have gone on for hours, but was probably only minutes.

She couldn’t say what happened or why, but just as suddenly as it appeared, the bear disappeared into the brush. Only then did Rachel feel her body relax enough that she could move forward again.

The trail had never seemed so long as today. Rachel was more than thankful to reach her car safely.

“Next time,” she said aloud, “next time I listen to what ‘they’ say and bring a friend or two on my hike.”
I started with this being a serpent, but since I live in Alaska I thought it should be a bear. Bears are one very good reason I do NOT wander trails around here. Call me chicken – that’s okay – I can cluck with the best of them.

The Trifecta challenge this week was SWAY, using the third definition.
sway noun \ˈswā\

1 : the action or an instance of swaying or of being swayed : an oscillating, fluctuating, or sweeping motion

2 : an inclination or deflection caused by or as if by swaying

3 a : a controlling influence
b : sovereign power : dominion
c : the ability to exercise influence or authority : dominance

Trying to get sleepy enough to sleep through the night – last night was rough. Hubby had a restless night full of tossings and turnings and snorings and snufflings . . . and I did the unforgivable – I looked at the clock! Argh! That, of course, meant I was unable to go back to sleep. So I got up, made my way to my chair and rested there, falling asleep just as my phone alarm went off. Typical.

So, while I am trying to be sleepy enough to go to sleep and stay there until 6 a.m., I’ve added two sub-pages for my pleasure. Maybe you will enjoy as well.

First – Crafty Moose: I want to track the amount of knitting I do in 2012, and this seems like a good way to do it. So far this year I have completed several hats and two scarves. On the needles I have another hat and a gift for one of my friends whose birthday is next week.

Second – Moose Browse: the names of books I have read in 2012. I read a lot . . . but I would like to slog my way through (and pass on) the huge pile of books collecting dust. So I am challenging myself to read – and list the books. So far, 4 for the year and I am reading a 5th.

Next week I am taking annual leave to celebrate my birthday. I hope to sleep in at least on Monday (best laid plans and that). I really should clean my house (nahhhhhh) one day. On Wednesday I am volunteering for Homeless Connect (where I will donate the hats I’ve made). The rest of the time? Yarn and books are crying out my name. I intend to answer.

So, go on over there to the right and click on the two new sub-pages and let me know your fave books or knits. Enjoy with me.

“Life can be hard,” Mama whispered to Sarah. “And when it is hard, we must be strong enough to withstand; strong enough to overcome; strong enough to come through on the other side of the hard times.”

Sarah’s eyes thickened with tears as she hiccoughed and nodded. Mama had come to her bed when she heard her cries. She had held her, but she had brooked no nonsense as she told Sarah brutal truths.

“As surely as the maple does weep its sap each year, Sarah, you will find many causes to cry as you get older. Do not let it be for the little things, like a broken dolly or going to bed without your supper. The good Lord knows that you will suffer things more hurtsome than these. Save your tears for a time of truer need, as the maple saves its sap for the proper season.”

Sarah nodded again, understanding only some of what Mama was saying. Her 9 year old heart found Mama’s voice soothing as she drifted off to sleep. She felt the feathery touch of Mama’s good-night kiss and heard the floor creak beneath her weight as Mama left the room. The evening’s taunting by her brother gave way to peaceful dreams preparing Sarah for a new day.
The 9th weekly challenge by the editors of Trifecta is WEEP, using the third definition and writing between 33 and 333 words.

weep transitive verb

1: to express deep sorrow for usually by shedding tears

2: to pour forth (tears) from the eyes

3: to exude (a fluid) slowly : ooze (a tree weeping sap)
I’m currently reading The Heretic’s Daughter so the voice of this piece lends itself a bit to the voice of that book.

It’s week 8 of Trifecta Challenge. This week’s word is CUTTING – the third definition is: inclined or likely to wound the feelings of others especially because of a ruthless incisiveness (a cutting remark)

I confess to having had a bit of trouble with this word. I was told once that I had a cutting tongue and it affected me greatly. I’ve been really working on changing that aspect of my personality. But, in the end, the following is my entry.

The fight had gone on for two hours. They had circled the table, circled each other, escalating until neither could breathe. Now the couple stood across from each other, chests heaving. The dining table was not the only thing separating them.

Stanley’s eyes unexpectedly filled with tears as he looked down to his clutched fists. “Darlene, I don’t know if I can do this much longer. I have tried so hard to be the husband you need, but it is never enough for you. I can’t take that tongue of yours any more!”

“What the hell do you mean, Stanley? My tongue? You have GOT to be kidding me. First you tell me you are leaving and now you tell me it’s because of my tongue? For heaven’s sake you whiny little pissant, grow a set and get the hell out then.”

“That’s just what I mean, Darlene – your words are cutting through this marriage like a knife. They cut through ME like a knife. The only person in this world you really care about is you. So, I’m leaving you to yourself. I’ll talk to the attorney tomorrow.”

As the door closed behind him, Darlene gasped, then shook her head in too-late admiration. “It would appear you have a pair after all, Stanley.”