Stop the clanging
My head is ringing
Make it stop
This had better be good
What tower?
Turn on the TV, Mom
Oh no – this can’t be

Trifextra Challenge – 33 words: The phone rang at 4am. It was actually closer to 5am Alaska time when we got this call. My son-in-law called us from work on the North Slope of Alaska. I still recall his voice telling us about the towers. Mostly, I recall the silence over Kenai afterwards as all flights were cancelled. Eerie.

19 responses

  1. megan says:

    I’m sorry for your loss. Was he a first responder? My son’s father was supposed to be working across the street from WTC that morning, but I had a briefly suspended license, and important paperwork due that day, so he was on his way to my house to drive me for that instead. My bad driving worked out really well for him.

  2. barbara says:

    Megan – thank you for your concern. My sil was actually working on the North Slope in Alaska that day. He passed away a few years after (2005) while at work here in AK. Sorry for the confusion.

  3. Tara R. says:

    Like so many others, I remember exactly where I was when I first heard the news. My husband works on an Air Force Base, it immediately went on lock-down. That made it all the more real.

  4. Carrie says:

    A perfect subject for this prompt. What a frightening phone call to get

  5. I received a very similar telephone call that morning. Scary and sad. Nicely written.

  6. I forget that for some people, the towers weren’t falling in real-time that morning, that some were woken in the middle of the night. That some were eating dinner.
    I was there that morning, on the other end of the calls. People trying to call me.
    This gave me a different perspective. So, thanks for that.
    Came from the Trifextra linkup.

  7. booguloo says:

    Sad remembrance.

  8. natalie says:

    Chilling! See the movie “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close” if you can. Brilliant screenplay about a precocious young boy and losing his father in the Twin Towers and how the boy
    deals with his loss. I think you would enjoy how the writer weaves a story around this.

  9. Colonialist says:

    I can’t believe you got that across in only 33 words. Chilling.

    A novelist would find it hard to think of stories more sensational than any number of true ones associated with that tragedy.

  10. Trifecta says:

    Thanks so much for linking up to Trifextra. Remember, this weekend’s entries are being judged by the Trifecta community, so make sure you visit the site at the close of the challenge to vote. Our linking service will not allow you to vote for a link from the same computer where it was submitted, so plan ahead! Voting closes 12 hours after the close of the challenge. Winners will be announced with the Monday post. Hope to see you back then.

  11. Oh! The time difference made for early morning horror in your world.

  12. Fran says:

    Such a poignant reminder of a tragedy we are all able to bring to mind, even if we weren’t awakened with the news.

  13. This time zone change made all the difference. What a frightening way to be awakened, and what a terrible day in history – yet your setting it as you did, being awakened by the call, made it all the more jarring. Good work. Amy Barlow Liberatore

  14. Dana says:

    Oh, wow… so powerful, I’m left speechless. <3 you.

  15. karen says:

    Very well done. It was 2 pm in London, England when all hell broke loose in New York. Time is such a funny thing, eh?

  16. Faithiepie says:

    Love this. Love u. Congrats on the second place. Your piece brings back floods in just 33 words. Spectacular, just like it’s author.

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