“You worry me,” she whispered loudly into Trista’s ear. Hips undulated with the vibe, the glory of being together – alone – in a club full of people. She teased, taunted, and beckoned her closer. “I’m yours. Don’t forget. We belong here in the now, here in the day. The woman in me wants the woman in you.”

Trista succumbed to the lusciousness in front of her. Nobody else mattered. Only this vixen in slit skirt made her salivate like this. She pulled her closer, melted her body into her soul-mate’s, whispered back, “The woman in me wants the woman in you.”
Lance of My Blog Can Beat Up Your Blog fame invited me to take part in his 100wordsong challenge. Taking a song – writing 100 words as you please. How hard/easy can that be, right? Yeah. I’m really not “up” on current music, but I enjoy what other folks publish – and I gave this one a listen. Phew! Is it hot in here – or is it just Trista?

Nobody I know – except in the furthest corners of my mind. Enjoy.

7 responses

  1. Lance says:

    wow and I thought only I could pull off a woman on woman 100!

    very sensual, sensory driven and gripping. Great first entry, Barbara.

  2. Victoria KP says:

    Wow! So glad you joined in on the 100 word song. I’m going to need a cold shower 😉

  3. MOV says:

    Great writing! Glad you get to use 100 words and not just 33.


  4. Jester Queen says:

    Whew! Trista and her lover are steaming the place up.

  5. barbara says:

    Jessie, I know, right? **blush** heh

  6. Frelle says:

    Yeah!! this was a beautifully done hot little number 🙂 Great job!

  7. t says:

    I may just need to bookmark this one. Nicely done!

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