Daily Archives: April 29, 2012

Hubby Moose is apparently having a really good time. I haven’t heard from him since that one call – well, a text reply when I sent my friend’s phone number to him. He will be full to overflowing with tales to tell on his return, I imagine.

My friend emailed me today to let me know she had gotten her card – I sent it with HM – and that was a great email.

I did not even poke my head outside Saturday – spent time putting up the blackout curtains in our bedroom. That early morning sunrise is tough to take at 5 in the morning – and with each passing day the “possible daylight hours” grow longer and longer. At summer solstice we will be at a bit over 17 hours. The curtains make the room much darker.

Today granddaughter and I attended early service and Sunday School. A young woman spoke to us about Royal Family Kids Camp which brings foster kids into a safe camp setting. Pretty cool project.

Afterwards we went to the next town to visit the newly re-opened DQ for lunch and then shopping for a few groceries.

Since our return I have been knitting some, doing some laundry and am now looking forward to The Amazing Race in about half an hour.

Back to work tomorrow. Yup – Monday, Monday.

HM returns Thursday morning.

Here are a few more viewpoints for the 33×3 Trifextra Challenge. Thanks to those who commented. I cannot say I understand exactly what goes on in anyone’s brain . . . but I have heard many of these comments.
Prosecutor: Defense attorney says his client wants a deal. They all do. Can’t admit their own actions caused this. They just want the easy way out. I hate this part of the job.

Defendant: Bitch deserved it! If she hadn’t talked back I wouldn’t have had to slap her. Damn cops always arrest the man. She’ll be sorry when I get out of here. Not guilty!

Victim Advocate: I can only sit here and hold her hand. God, she’s shaking! Wish I could tell the jury the other stuff this perv has done to her. She deserves much better.