Here are a few more viewpoints for the 33×3 Trifextra Challenge. Thanks to those who commented. I cannot say I understand exactly what goes on in anyone’s brain . . . but I have heard many of these comments.
Prosecutor: Defense attorney says his client wants a deal. They all do. Can’t admit their own actions caused this. They just want the easy way out. I hate this part of the job.

Defendant: Bitch deserved it! If she hadn’t talked back I wouldn’t have had to slap her. Damn cops always arrest the man. She’ll be sorry when I get out of here. Not guilty!

Victim Advocate: I can only sit here and hold her hand. God, she’s shaking! Wish I could tell the jury the other stuff this perv has done to her. She deserves much better.

5 responses

  1. Rachael L says:

    Very well done! That is the very reason why I decided I couldn’t really become a lawyer when I was younger. I hope the plea deal still puts the guy behind bars…

  2. Jester Queen says:

    That sanctimonious attitude that makes it somehow ‘ok’ to behave like that. Disgusting. Oh – my friend who went to Alaska was visiting her brother at Fort Wainwright.

  3. JannaT says:

    The defendant’s ‘she’ll be sorry’ threat gave me a shiver…mostly because they often do follow through on that. Funny how their own actions are often because of someone else – not their responsibility.

  4. Trifecta says:

    Another great job. I’m glad that you came back to submit again. You’ve captured perfectly what often goes on in these situations.

  5. karen says:

    wow. This might be the three viewpoints to precision. Shocking.

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