Thriftless, shiftless, spitless Sam mutters as he ambles along.

I have no dollars, not a penny to call my own today. So I wander where e’er I will, seeking whate’er I may.

Toothless, hairless, grizzled old man. Suspenders falling down. Laughed at. Pointed at. Seldom asked what – who – might help.

Just call me Sam. Or Joe or Bill. Whoever reminds you of me.

Hungry? Why yes I am. A loaf of bread? I thank’ee kindly

I’ll be just on my way now. No need to fret. Thanks for the handout. Thanks for talking to me. May you be ever blest.

She’s back! and as challenging as ever. This is for VV’s 100 Word challenge: Thriftless. Go and write your words.

8 responses

  1. Delightful. Somehow I imagine Sam in earlier times. As though someone like him couldn’t exist now.

  2. Tara R. says:

    “… as you do for the lest of thee …” Very powerful and thought-provoking.

  3. Lance says:

    I like how you and Tar Rah switched the words. It gives a different meaning.

    This is soulful and strong and sad. well done.

  4. Jester Queen says:

    Those first three lines are glorious – “thriftless, shiftless, spitless” – it just completely sets the tone for the piece and gives it the same sort of gamboling rhythm that I imagine in Sam’s walking.

  5. Britt says:

    This really makes me feel for the poor homeless man. I love it.

  6. Teresa says:

    Great portrait…makes me want to know his past, what brought him to where he is now.

  7. Arctic Wren says:

    I could see this fellow in a period piece, or a speculative fiction/fantasy setting, or something set in this world as a deeper perspective to our society…. very nicely done.

  8. Ms. Marsha says:

    oh my heavens I just LuuuuuV this piece. The rhythm…..the flow…I love it!The first line is awesome.

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