Daily Archives: September 28, 2012

It started with rain
Wind blew trees sideways – leafless
And then came the snow

It’s Haiku Friday with Lou.

“What was that? Who’s there?”

The girls clutched at each other in fear. Being there was against the rules and every creak and whisper set their hearts a-flutter.

“You go first . . .”

“No, you . . .”

They jostled in the doorway, but stopped suddenly.

“What are you girls up to?”

They knew that voice – Mother Angelica had caught them sneaking through the convent. There’d be trouble now for sure.
The Trifextra challenge this week was to take a previously published 33 word submission and build on it by adding another 33. The above is from my July 28th entry YA Mystery. While this is not exactly where I had thought to take the original 33 words, it is a tale close to my heart. And THAT is a whole ‘nother story.