Monthly Archives:October 2012

Sign said
I said what are you thinking?
Silly high school kids!


Why, yes, I DO live in a state of denial. Local high school has this on their sign and I am not quite ready for the “s” word to start happening. I somehow missed summer and already the chill (downright cold) is in the air. Sigh. For Haiku Friday with Lou.

btw – I pre-wrote this post for Lou’s Friday Haiku . . . then hubbymoose and I went out for the evening . . . and guess what it did??? Yes, indeedy. Of course, it being October and all, it has since melted and I have slid happily back into my favorite state. I may have to come back and edit this again . . . we shall see. Sigh.

No, not the halloweenie type BOO! – CARIBOU! At the top of the hill coming out of Soldotna heading for Kenai this afternoon. Took the shots through my snow splattered windshield because I didn’t want to spook the trio by pulling up alongside of them. Traffic was bad enough. So, I shot through the windshield and then had to adjust a bit. The color is off – but not a whole lot due to the white, wet stuff that was falling. Anyway – it’ll give you a taste of some more ‘laskan wildlife (other than the occasional purple moose). Click for larger versions.

The candidates approached the podiums as the audience settled into their seats. The applause died down.

The moderator spoke each name in turn and watched as each began to tremble.

8th grade class elections had never been more fun, she thought. It was her mission, as Social Studies teacher, to introduce the nuances of politics past and present to these students. It was her personal goal to see one go on from her class to bigger and better things. She dreamed of a future president looking into the camera and thanking HER for the push she gave him (or her).

VV asked for Tremble to be the focus of the week. I don’t often write about politics here – because it does make people tremble. And it makes me tremble to push – to prod – to work at other people’s scabs. I don’t like my own scabs picked.

But the above piece was inspired by the presidential debate which I am watching as I type.

Eagle bold and proud
Surveying all from lofty high
Token of freedom

Spotted this bald eagle atop a boat’s mast while returning home from ladies retreat in Homer last Sunday. Perfect for Friday Haiku with Lou.

Busy week soon done
Retreat coming into view
Alaska calls me

It’s Haiku Friday with Lou.