Black Friday is here
I stay home, snuggle instead
Peace abounds in me

for Lou’s Haiku Friday

5 responses

  1. Lance says:

    I worked with this woman whose husband decided after almost 40 years of marriage to leave. Her entire existence was wrapped up in their marriage. I heard she passed away of a heart attach aa few years ago, a few years after I stopped working with her. I always wondered if a broken heart killed her.

    Great 100, one of your best.

  2. Tara R. says:

    I should have stayed home too. The Mr and I went out shopping for a couple of hours. It was madness and mayhem… the sales were good though.

  3. Wonderful haiku for Black Friday ~ I agree ~ cozy and warm ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  4. Nimue says:

    hope you had a good time 🙂

  5. lceel says:

    We ran errands – leisurely – for most of the whole day. It was lovely. No shopping – just getting needed things done with no time pressure, at all.

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