
Spoon held defiantly.

No peas.

No carrots.

Revolution in a high chair. Someday heÒ€ℒll eat me out of house and home, eating everything in sight.

For today, he can only say, No!
Trifextra’s 44th challenge is to write only 33 words on rebellion or revolt. Since I’m on a gramma-type kick this weekend . . . the above is what you get.
πŸ™‚ Enjoy

12 responses

  1. This made me laugh. Great write.

  2. Lumdog says:

    A cute one. I love the battle of the wills. πŸ˜‰

  3. Reminded me of JannaTwrites’s piece this time around. πŸ™‚

  4. Tara R. says:

    Oh, I’ve been there, done that. Now, that boy can eat like it’s an Olympic event. Scary.

  5. Draug419 says:

    lol awww too cute :3

  6. JannaT says:

    So, you picked on peas, too! Kids and their food can be a battle at times. My ten year old will eat just about anything, but my younger son….too finicky!

  7. Trifecta says:

    “Revolution in a high chair.” Perfect!

  8. Gina says:

    And that WILL happen. Amazing it’s often their first word.

  9. joetwo says:

    Ha Ha! too true!

  10. Amy @BettyRants says:

    This is classic!well done!

  11. Love the revolution in a high chair. *been there, done that*

  12. It took MANY years for me to eat carrots.
    If I never see peas from a can again, I’d be fine with it. Really.

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