I show a good face to the world. My countenance is unmarred by stress and worry. Stoic is what my best friend in the world called me. “Barbie,” she said, “I had no clue you felt that way. Your face didn’t show it.”

Others say my face is telling; that they know exactly what I’m thinking by what goes across my visage. They see joy, sadness, distaste, distrust.

No, they only see what they want to see; a reflection of themselves. They see what they think they see and judge me, my actions, from their viewpoint.

The real me hurts.
VV’s 100 word challenge is COUNTENANCE. That and her wise words about the recent goings on in the world – the need to take time, listen, to have a strong back and a soft heart made me even more introspective than I’ve been over the past week. And, that is saying something.

2 responses

  1. Tara R. says:

    I could never play poker, my whole life is shown on my face. I can’t hide any thing I feel or think.

  2. lceel says:

    My favorite quote by Anais Nin: ” We do not see things as THEY are … we see things as WE are.”

    Nicely done.

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