My most important piece of advice to young women would be to expand their minds. They should read all the time. I don’t think the world will survive without the minds of women.


The above words are from Mildred Keith Stark as quoted in Women’s Voices: The Wisdom of the Grandmothers complied by Alaskan author Susan Stark Christianson. Link for more information. I was privileged to meet Susan and have a copy of her book in my office.

The challenge from our trusty trifecta editors is to find 33 words from a bigger publication, share them and link them. There are many inspiring words in this book. It is beautiful to see.

19 responses

  1. Katie says:

    I love your purple moose. Those are words of wisdom.

  2. ann bennett says:

    Very true words. I taught school and every once in awhile I would have a girl say that she did not need an education; she was going to be a mother and a housewife. Ugh.

  3. I wholeheartedly agree with that sentiment! No matter what path a woman chooses she should strive to have a sharp intellect.

  4. Tom macInnes says:

    I want my daughter’s to be strong women when they head out into the world. I want them to be able to solve their own problems, have their own money, be able to hammer a nail and change their own car tire. I hope they find love and willingly share their lives but, I never want them to be dependent on their partner for their happiness, well-being or freedom. Thanks for the great quote, Barbara. PS: Thanks for the lovely postcard, too. It is on our fridge, as you read this comment!

  5. deana says:

    Brilliant choice!

  6. Corinne says:

    Ah, this is lovely. I think that women do need the chance to be more open about their thoughts and strength!

  7. Silversound7 says:

    This is an incredible quote. Great entry!

  8. Tracie says:

    I love this quote.

  9. Lance says:

    I tell my wife and daughters the ame thing. I made a decent grandmother.

    Great you got to meet her. What a wise 33.

  10. Draug419 says:

    I certainly follow this advice (:

  11. kz says:

    I don’t think the world will survive without the minds of women. – oh bravo this is an excellent choice!

  12. LInda says:

    So True!! Great quote. 😀

  13. Libby says:

    Great quote! And, it speaks to the need to help women in Third World countries get educated.

  14. Suzanne says:

    Love this! What a wonderful choice!

  15. viv blake says:

    Impressive and wise.

  16. Tara R. says:

    Excellent advice.

  17. Kylie says:

    Absolutely!! And in this digital age, reading BOOKS is more important than ever.

  18. Gina says:

    Amen! Never more true. So important.

  19. Atreyee says:

    Great words of wisdom,I like it Barbara:-)

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