Ah, my girl
your incessant chatter does
exhaust me
my ears bleed verbs
and nouns and
and joy
always and forever
you talk
we listen
you love
we receive


The Pup, granddaughter #2, is a chatterer. We tease her sometimes about how she only is quiet when she sleeps . . . but then she talks in her sleep. Her mama says she makes our ears bleed.

But it is such happy chatter and she has such LOVE to share . . . like the heart she drew in the snow on my car this morning as she left for school. I had to take a picture and share it here . . . along with my 33 words for Trifecta’s challenge EXHAUST.

21 responses

  1. Sam Edge says:

    I think you have done something cool. At first I thought you misused the word exhaust – as in tires me out – but you you may have exhausted your resources as well. Nice double meaning.

  2. Brian says:

    Nice, tight poem. Reads really well and has a great flow. Loved the bit about ears bleeding verbs and nouns

  3. kz says:

    “my ears bleed verbs
    and nouns and
    and joy” — such beautiful words!
    i really like what you did there. totally made me smile ^^

  4. Bee says:

    What a sweet tribute to your granddaughter.

  5. kgwaite says:

    My eldest is like this, too. Love the image of the bleeding ears.

  6. Annabelle says:

    That’s sweet; I’m afraid I was that girl myself. On the other hand, my grandmother was the one I got it from, so she was in no position to complain!

  7. yerpirate says:

    Lovely painting there..

  8. Tara R. says:

    The Pup sounds delightful, and so full of fun and life.

  9. deana says:

    how lovely, my 8 year old is a chatterbox. Sometimes I send her in the other room, then I miss her.

  10. Draug419 says:

    My nephew is only going on three and he’s working on his chattering haha 😀 Great little poem!

  11. Sandra Crook says:

    A lovely tribute, and a heart warming picture.

  12. Stuck in hyperbole, too, Barbara? lol Cute poem.

  13. lumdog says:

    Lovely poem. You show such great love.

  14. Flippa Bird says:

    “my ears bleed verbs and nouns and hormones and joy” – you couldn’t describe listening to a little girl any better than that!!! 🙂

  15. steph says:

    This made me happy as I thought of my 11 year old niece who is just this way, and always has been since she was old enough to form words. Instead of a heart she might draw a wolf or an owl, but the meaning would be the same. They are a gift, aren’t they?

  16. JannaTWrites says:

    Awesome poem!

    I have a talker and sometimes the constant noise frustrates me. In those moments I have to remind myself that happy chatter is much better than whining and complaining 🙂

  17. I love the kind of unconditional, but weary love of a parent that comes through here. Great job.

  18. Atreyee says:

    Simply so beautiful-loved the way you described her chatter Barbara-it speaks volumes about your love for your granddaughter as well as your command over vocabulary:-)

  19. Jester Queen says:

    I ABSOLUTELY love the verbs and nouns bleeding from your ears. LOVELY!!

  20. Suzanne says:

    Aw, such a beautiful expression of love! What a wonderful poem!

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