Daily Archives: February 26, 2013

“What did you put in that?” Marcia sputtered, but drank it down anyway.

“Just a little doctor – aka hair of the dog that bit ya,” Andrea laughed. “Drink up, Marcie. You’ll feel better soon.”

“Wha – what time is it?”

“Nearly noon, it’s nearly noon.”

“What day?”

“Lawdie, woman. You sure ask enough questions. It’s Sunday. It’s just Sunday. I’m here. You’re here. You survived your night out on the town.”

“No. I’ve got to go. I’ve got to get home. The kids will be missing me.” She shivered. “Oh, God. Ron will be missing me. What will I tell him?”

“Tell him it’s over, baby cakes. Tell him he’s screwed his last bimbo and you are ready to do it on your own. Tell him whatever you want. He’s an ass. He’s treated you like crap for way too many years.

“You didn’t do anything wrong last night. We went out. We had a couple – okay a LOT – of drinks – but you’re still as pure as you were when I took you out. You didn’t do anything wrong. I brought you here because it was closer and you were out of it.”

“Where’s my car? Wait – did I drive?”

“Slow down. Sit down and take a breath. We took a cab to the club. We took a cab here. I’ll drive ya home in a bit when your head clears.

“Really, Marcie, you need to take some time to think. I’ll be right there with ya when you’re ready. You told me you’re ready to move on with your life. When it gets from your head to your heart you let me know and I’ll help you however you need. There’s a big life out there, kiddo. You’ll be just fine in it.”

“Thanks, Andrea. I know you’re right. I do. But, for now I’ve got to get home and to my kids. They are the only reason I exist. They deserve to know I’m there for them.

“Now, where are my shoes?”
written for Trifecta’s challenge “Doctor” 3a : material added (as to food) to produce a desired effect.

I’ll be honest – I’ve just had a surgical procedure at the hospital and have only been home for an hour – the “good” drugs probably haven’t worn off. You’ll tell me, won’t you, if this is just drivel and I totally missed the mark in my hang-over?