Monthly Archives:February 2014

Back before the days of wasted hours (sigh) spent on the book of face (tip of hat to Lance), I used to blog regularly. The blog itself has undergone a couple of name changes and home changes, but I have been settled in as the PurpleMoose Gazette for several (hundred or so) years now.

I used to be here and about (reading other blogs) on a daily basis. I wrote and wrote and wrote some more – about the whole fam-damily – about ‘laska – about the world as I see it.

That was before I took a job that required so much brain and heart time that I could not – would not – dared not – write about the world I lived in any longer. I have boundaries that are work imposed and self imposed and confidentiality requirements that keep me pretty closed mouth – most of the time.

I miss the days of coming here and spouting about the latest injustices I saw in the community that I call home and the greater world at large. But, that can come across as so petty and narcissistic and self-serving and ego-centric, don’t you think? After all, I am but one in a greater number of fellow humans. I have made my peace with what I can and cannot change and the people I can and cannot influence.

These days my writing is limited to 100 word and 33-333 word snippets Some days that is all that I can manage to get down on paper/screen. What comes out is at times painful and revealing, but often it reflects the latest book I am reading or have just completed. Who knows what the catalyst might be for the words we choose to share?

Thursday night – simply because I had taken the week off work – I was privileged to attend a local writers poetry reading. I was invited to share poetry I had written – or could bring a favorite author’s poetry to read. So much good writing was heard that night and I left wondering why my poetry has dried up a bit. (thus the above soul-searching) The conclusion I have come to is that I simply do not allow myself the TIME to sit and write and to write and to write some more. I waste those precious minutes away playing silly games on fb.

Perhaps it is time to step away from that – to understand that, in the greater scheme of things, I will not be missing out on much. Gone are the days of the blog hopping and getting mired in the battles of fellow bloggers. Blog-dom has changed – a lot – over the years. My “older” friends will know of what I speak. It is quicker and far easier to get embroiled in battles on fb. Instant gratification – instant justification. I miss the days when you had to THINK about what you posted before you posted.

RESOLVED: spend more time away from fb and here – or in my (paper) journal – reflecting, writing, WRITING, and WRITING. It is time.