Monthly Archives:January 2015


The line stretched for what seemed like hours. Richard and Gretchen were getting impatient as many of the children were.

Gretchen whined, “Mummy, when shall we eat? I am so hungry.” Richard punched her in the arm and called her a baby, but their mother simply smiled in her stoic way.

“Soon, children. We are nearly there.”

The line inched forward until they were at the head. Mother took the children by their arms and handed them to the Major Domo.

“Sir, here is my offering for the feasting.”

Without looking back she left the arena as the children screamed.

Photo credit: susivinh / Foter / CC BY-ND

This is my offering for Velvet Verbosity’s 100 Word Challenge. A bit darker than my normal, but it felt right for the challenge.

Fairy tales all start the same. These days they do. Once upon a time. Blah, blah, blah. But, there was a time, long ago, fairy tales started differently. Each one, different from the other. Each one had a message.

They started, “Come children, hear.” And the stories. Oh, the stories. Scarey, monsterish, loving, frightening. No blah, blah, blah.

Parents teaching their children how to live in the world of Real. Real families discovered monsters under the bed. Real families were torn apart with no happily ever after. Real sent shudders down your spine.

And, so, once upon a time began.

Fairy tales? Once upon a time? Velvet Verbosity challenges us with the word ONCE.