Category Archive:Alaska


Kenai Lions Rubber Ducky Race was held today.

Because of that race, the Girl and I will get to go to D.C. in March with her 8th grade history class.

I lurve me some rubber duckies!!! Thanks, Kenai Lions!


thought of Lo** . . . but I think I’ll have to explain, huh?

First of all – there is the little controversy over how to spell “Coho”  <– that way is singular while Cohoe(s) is plural.

A “coho” is a type of salmon – a silver salmon. (we have five species in Alaska – the coho/pink, the chinook/king, the sockeye/red, the chum/dogs, and humpy/pink. There is also the landlocked red which is called a kokanee.)

Now, as is the case in most of the U.S., places and roads share names with animals and fish and birds. So – locally we will find Coho Loop and near it, Coho Lake and a (lot of) bed and breakfast(s), one of which is called Cohoe (note that pesky “e”) Lake Cabins.

so – back to the license plate spotted today –

coholo.JPG Could it be Silver Salmon Lo(is)? Or Coho(e) Loop Lolita?

or could it be short hand for “Come home, Lola”?

Phew! I must be tired – my brain is thinking weird things – I’ll tell you why I’m tired later.


If the 6th graders at the nearby middle school are willing to stand outside in the rain . . .


and wash cars – well, then by golly, we will take BOTH vehicles over to be washed. AND, take pictures, too. AND, send said pictures to the newspaper and tv station. 😉

Because we can.


Because hubby LOVES 6th graders – they are TOO much fun, he says.

And, you know – by the time we left with the van and came back past the first driveway to go home, the SAME 6th graders who had just washed both vehicles were standing out there trying to get us to come in AGAIN!

See, I told you, said hubby moose, they’re EVERYWHERE!


we live in Alaska – we make our OWN fun!


When you care enough to serve the very best . . .

be sure to turn the oven OFF after you take the brisket (that you’ve been baking over wood chips IN the oven) out.

Otherwise, thanks to that fancy schmancy security system that you have in your house – the local fire folks will come to check out why your alarm is going off

and you are not answering the phone to talk with said fancy schmancy security peeps

who then called said fire folks and sent out the BIG RIG and several personnel to check on your sorry behinds.

Sigh! What is it about Texans in Alaska, anyway?

. . . brisket

. . . over wood chips

. . . in your oven

. . . while you are off and about doing whatever and NOT paying attention.


took the 13 year old granddaughter for her shopping day. She was staying with two friends. Took them, too.

Have you done this lately? Taken THREE 13 year old GIRLS shopping???? There was a sale on costume jewelry – 60% off. I gave them a top dollar limit and told them they could each buy something under that limit. ONE HOUR LATER – they all had found something.

In the meantime I had found a dress, a pair of capri pants and a skirt for the Girl to try on – all on sale, too. I love it when a plan works – all three FIT her! yay! (again with the !!!s)

Giggly gaggle of girls – entirely too much fun. Thanks to all of their parents for letting them come with us. We thoroughly enjoyed our time together and have become adopted grandparents to the other two. Big squooshy hugs to all.


Drumming at the Conference . . .

It’s a healing thing – and, fun, too!
for some reason I cannot get the urls to embed correctly, so paste and enjoy. (Fixed – ~L)

Kenaitze drummers

Drummers and Dancers