November 19th, 2012 / Categories:
Hear Me,
Moose Nuggets /
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18 years old and a Minor Consuming charge filed . . . just one among many listed in the local paper. Each one brings a mental, if not audible, sigh. But one more than the rest, because I know this particular 18 year old. This teen is someone treated as family by all of us – loved by all of us.
The legal charges do not change that love, but they do hurt the heart.
Our state, like most, is tough on drunk drivers: licenses get taken away; special insurance needs to be purchased at a very high cost; names are in the paper causing embarrassment; substance abuse treatment of some sort is often ordered; jobs often lost.
Adults aren’t the only ones facing these consequences. Minors, while treated in a slightly different manner, must also face some sort of consequence.
Up front I will say this – I had my first drink as a minor. In fact, I had several. However, I did not get my drivers’ license until I was 21 (there was no need in a big city with abundant public transportation). I was never one to drink and drive (whether under age or not). We were blessed in those times hubbymoose chose to drive – we are here, safe and sound in our 60’s.
Hubbymoose stopped drinking some 30 years ago. I had my last drink about 20 years ago. We were casual drinkers and decided we did not want to become more than that – in fact did not need to be that. We do not feel we are better than anyone else who chooses to drink. We all make choices.
However, we tried to teach our daughters to be responsible – to call us if they needed a ride (no questions asked) – to please never to drive while under the influence. We did tell them that if they were arrested we would not bail until the next day, but we could still be called.
Our daughters have told their young’uns the same. The grands know that they can call us as well.
In the meantime, my heart hurts for this one – I’m glad nobody was hurt. Our love is still there – and the phone numbers are still the same and open.